
Heartbeat Streets

Fall in love with eleven Viennese neighborhoods.
Courtesy Wien Tourismus

In Berlin the word is Kiez, New York has its boroughs, Madrid has its barrios and Vienna has its Grätzel. Originally derived from the obsolete word gereiz (perimeter), it describes a small, inner-city unit consisting of several streets. Most of the Grätzel emerged from the former settlements outside what was the city center and is now the first district. The centers of these Grätzel are mostly defined by markets or main squares, as well as by the streets leading to them. What makes Vienna’s Grätzel unique is that they often have no official boundaries, no beginning, and no end.

While there are shared features, each district has a unique combination of architecture, urban feeling, culinary and shopping offerings, and above all character and charm—elements that bring the world-renowned Viennese attitude to life for both residents and visitors.

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