German Connections Go Virtual with Conference

By James M. Beidler

There are few, if any, parts of life that haven’t been affected by the COVID-19 virus. Whether it’s eating or working in restaurants, attending social events or even schooling, all have profoundly changed. And so, it has been with the life of genealogists, too. There’s at least anecdotal evidence showing an increased number of individuals spending quarantine time researching with Internet resources or sharing family stories through Zoom calls with relatives.

In the genealogy conference world, events ground to a halt in February 2020. Some get-togethers were cancelled outright while others sought to convert to a virtual format using a teleconference or video platform. The International German Genealogy Partnership, under whose banner two successful biennial conferences (in Minneapolis and Sacramento) had been produced, was one of those organizations with an event plan which shifted with changing circumstances.

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