Dresden—A Panoramic Experience

An Austrian-born artist brings two historical views of Dresden to life in a panoramic environment.

Courtesy Panometer Dresden and Asisi Panorama International

Visitors to Dresden, Germany’s “Florence on the Elbe,” can experience two visions of the magical city at Yadegar Asisi’s Panometer Dresden. Created by Austrian-born Asisi, an old gasometer lends its circular shape to provide a canvas for a 360° visualization of two monumental periods in the city’s history.

Asisi was born in Vienna and spent his childhood and youth in Halle and Leipzig. Even as a small child, he was fascinated by the techniques of spatial illusion with a main interest in the Italian Renaissance artists of around 1500. At 10 years old, the Leipzig schoolboy was inspired by masters such as Andrea Mantegna or Leonardo da Vinci to question how to depict three-dimensional space within a two-dimensional painting. For the young—and, indeed, the adult—Asisi, the technique of drawing is a tool for discovering both the world and oneself.

Two of his panoramic exhibitions, “Dresden in the Baroque” and “Dresden 1945” take alternating turns on the gasometer walls throughout 2019 and immerse viewers in the world of Dresden during its opulent best and near-apocalyptic worst.

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