The Sound of Music is Alive! Culture September 8, 2022A powerhouse of German symphony composers found inspiration in Viennese culture.By Peter Pabisch Although not all German symphony composers were...
Radebeul and Schloss Wackerbarth Culture September 8, 2022Terraced vineyards and fine wines invite visitors to experience Saxony’s hilly river landscape.By Don Heimburger and Mary Beth Strickler If...
Ordnung Ueber das Fahr zu Winterhausen, den 1. Septembris Anno 1626 Culture September 8, 2022Rules Concerning the Ferry in Winterhausen, 1 September 1626 Part 2By Robert A. Selig n our October/November 2021 issue we...
German-American Group Records Offer Immigration Information Culture September 8, 2022By James M. Beidler The ties that bind Germans together reached New World heights in the formation of fraternal societies...
Until the cows come home in Vorarlberg Culture July 18, 2022Discover a little piece of heaven on earth in a trio of valleys.By Julian MattocksPhotographs Courtesy Julian Mattocks In Austria’s...
Germania Cincinnati Celebrates 50th Oktoberfest Culture July 18, 2022Ohio O’fest is “just like home” for native Germans.By Janice Hisle Although the three B’s—bands, bratwurst, and beer—are must-haves for...
Genealogy Institutes Expand in Recent Decades Culture July 18, 2022By James M. Beidler There was a time not too many decades ago when genealogy education in general and German...
Baroque Treasures Culture July 18, 2022Experience a taste of the Upper Swabian Baroque Route.Courtesy Oberschwaben Tourism GmbH Embark on a journey along the 860 kilometer...
Die Wirkungskraft der totalen Immersion Culture April 28, 2022Von Peter Pabisch Zu den großen Geheimnissen des Fremdsprachen-unterrichts gehört wohl der Einsatz einer richtigen Lehr- und Lernmethode. Egal ob...
What’s German in My Own Backyard? Plenty! Culture April 28, 2022By James M. Beidler I don’t know a greater truism than people neglecting the tourist sites in their own backyards,...