
Getting to the(Wet or Dry) Bottomof Food Memories

By James M. Beidler

When it comes to German food and genealogy, one usually thinks of recipes being passed from generation to generation. That is, of course, if there even is a recipe. I’ve heard it said real cooks don’t need a recipe and just know when ingredients are “enough” which just proves to me that true cooking is an art and that I’m more scientifically inclined. For me the relationship between food and genealogy is one of memories retained, nourished, and warmly recited—some of which I’ve shared in previous columns (FM22 in particular). There are other memories, however, and some of these involve foods for which I once had no craving but now cannot do without.

First and foremost, there is the tradition of fastnachts, still preserved in some Pennsylvania Dutch areas, and no—please, do not call them “donuts”! These are generally made from potatoes and are deep fried (NOT a diet food) and are usually only available on “Fat Tuesday,” the day before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.

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