King Ludwig I


Courtesy Don Heinrich Tolzmann

An exhibition on “KönIg Ludwig I.—Sehnsucht Pfalz” (King Ludwig I.—Yearning Palatinate) begins on September 17th, 2023 and will continue to March 31, 2024 at the Historisches Museum der Pfalz in Speyer, Germany. During the Napoleonic era, the Electorate of the Palatinate disappeared, with Baden acquiring the territory on the right bank of the Rhine, and Napoleon occupying the territory on the left bank. After his downfall, Bavaria acquired the left bank territory. Dissatisfaction with Bavarian rule led to the Hambacher Fest of 30 May 1832, which took place at Hambach Castle. Although organized as a festivity, it was a protest demonstration against the status quo, reflecting the aspirations of many for liberty and German unity. Further discontent in the Palatinate and Bavaria during the 1848 Revolution led to the abdication of Ludwig I (1786-1868) in favor of his son Maximilian (1811-64). The exhibition will make use of poems written by Ludwig I and his correspondence with contemporaries, providing insight into his life and times. For further information, visit

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