A History of the German Churches in Louisiana (1823-1893), by J. Hanno Deiler, translated and edited by Marie Stella Condon (Clearfield Company) provides a wealth of information about the churches founded by Germans in Louisiana. Deiler’s history was published in German in 1894 as: Zur Geschichte der deutschen Kirchengemeinden im Staate Louisiana: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Deutschen am unteren Mississippi: Mit einem Census der New Orleanser deutschen Schulen und der fremdgeborenen Bevölkerung von 1850 bis 1890.
This translation of Deiler’s valuable history appeared in 1983 during the celebration of the German-American Tricentennial, and has fortunately been kept in print by the Clearfield Company ever since. This fine translation also has a name and subject index (pp. 126-40). Louisiana is usually associated with its French heritage, but those of German descent number ca. 12% of the population. New Orleans became a major port of entry for German immigrants, and they settled not only in the city, but also in the area nearby that became known as the German Coast. Others traveled north on the Mississippi River to Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, and eastwards on the Ohio River to Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio.
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